5 Important Marketing Trends to Bring You Financial Gain In 2015

Each marketing strategy is founded on the same basic principle. However, with landscape undergoing rapid changes to align with pace of technology, how the basic principles are activated is most important. Smart marketers have rightly guessed that to keep pace with the trend or even be ready for the next big happenings, they need to bring changes in their thoughts and modes of operation; otherwise they will lose out to their competitors.

Here is a list of potential trends that could be exciting developments in the next year and hopefully bring your business more return.


Consumers will continue to be the determining force behind what could be the dominating trend in the market. These days, the top-most brands are now taking full advantage of transparency while the rest are fighting it. Next year we will see only those brands with accurate presentation of what they do emerging to the top spot along the ladder of business hierarchy.  It could mean an increasing marginal return for their business.

Chief Simplifier Officer:

Most companies seem to be fond of complexities. They are less willing to adopt simplified and straightforward strategy with technology landscape turning to more complexities. That attitude is a stumbling block for their working in close cooperation with each other. The same thing also impedes free flow or even trickling of fresh ideas. With online marketing at the forefront of most effective advertising strategies, customer engagement cannot be stressed enough. To engage more customers, the chief marketing officers will start taking a holistic approach towards brand value proposition, message integration as well as insights into business entities, functional groups and geographies,

Rise of Marketing Technologists:

More of the companies are now tilting towards digital marketing. The marketing technologists will be the best analysts of the current trend and predict what could happen in future. Professionals with high technological acumen can develop the right blueprints in regards to seamless integration with marketing groups. They are the people to play a crucial role in development and application of new-age marketing strategies.

Leading role of media agencies:

The ongoing year will see the media agencies making a transition by wearing a consumer-facing outlook while slowly discarding their media-facing standpoint. Currently placed at the intersection point of consumers and technology, they are emerging as the important strategic partner of their potential customers. In fact, their importance will override that of the creative agencies as the latest technology is projecting ‘Statistical Robots’ as the most important asset for their marketing purpose.

Adaption to quick marketing:

Ability to adapt is what keeps one afloat in the ever-changing environment. With emergence of social media network, we now see a new flock of customers who are more elusive type and influenced by their short-time thoughts. The marketers are now taking a closer look on ‘likes’, ‘tweets’, ‘shares’ to feel the pulse of what the customers want. For the best marketers, nothing is baseless and they always have more in-details data about the consumers. Faster adaptability within quick space of time is one of their main characters. They pledge their interest to real-time marketing. Instead of next month or next couple of days, the next hour is at the point of focus for them.